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Monthly Archives: November 2023

How Do The Alternator and Battery Work Together In Your Car

How Do The Alternator and Battery Work Together In Your Car

Today we would like to highlight the often-overlooked synergy between the alternator and battery. Together, they form a crucial partnership that drives the seamless operation of your vehicle's electrical system.  What Does The Battery Do? The battery serves as the initial power source, supplying electricity to start the engine and power the vehicle's electrical components when the engine is not running. It stores chemical energy in the form of lead plates and sulfuric acid, converting it into electrical energy to power the starter motor during ignition and supporting the electrical system when the engine is not operational. The battery acts as a reservoir of electrical energy, providing the necessary power for various vehicle functions, including lights, audio systems, and other electronic accessories. What Does The Alternator Do? Complementing the role of the battery, the alternator serves as a generator, converting mechanical energy ... read more